Our favourite independent record store is opening up in our home city of Liverpool on 18th April, 2024. Followers and friends of Dorothy will know that we’ve enjoyed a long relationship with Rough Trade. We’ve stocked all their UK, EU and US stores with our prints and products for the last ten years and also we also persuaded them to allow us to host a xmas pop-up shop in our studio back in 2022.
So we are made up to be collaborating with them on a new installation in their new Liverpool store.
Scene Here: Liverpool is a mapping project celebrating the history of the music scene in Liverpool, from the 1950s to the present day. We are inviting visitors to the new store to contribute to a feature wall that will be collecting data about the clubs and venues that helped make Liverpool one of the most creative and influential cities for music in the world. Over the coming months you can watch the wall evolve and respond to contributions.
All the data collected will feed into an infographic that Jim is currently designing which will then be displayed in the store and (knowing us) may also become a print!

Visit the store to share your memories on the wall or complete this online form here.
Rough Trade Liverpool opens on 18th April 2024 on Hanover Street, Liverpool, L1