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Join the Nineteen Hundred and Eleven Party

Posted by Ali Johnson on

Join the Nineteen Hundred and Eleven Party


The general election is days away and we're wondering if amongst the negative campaigning, personal attacks and political point scoring if anyone is actually listening to US and what we care about.

In 2011 we set up a social movement for change as part of an art installation for Bluecoat Gallery's Democratic Promenade Exhibition in Liverpool

We invited people to tell us what they stood for and to contribute to the Nineteen Hundred and Eleven Party's manifesto by creating their own campaign poster on line HERE. 100's of posters were created and we flypostered as many as we could up and around the gallery.

The site is back up for 2015 - feel free to use it to tell US what YOU stand for. Create your own poster HERE and join the Nineteen Hundred and Eleven Party.

- See more at:

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